Check back to this page periodically to find out about new assignments, special events, and more!
Week 6 Announcement
Hi everyone, we’re entering week 6 of the DeCal! At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 5 on Gradescope. Regarding Lab 2 and 3 grades, Lab 2 grades should be released now, and Lab 3 is being graded, thank you for your patience! Weekly notes: «««< HEAD
- Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 03/11 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
- Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
- Lab 6 has been released and can be accessed below.
- Please use the corresponding Ed thread for Lab 6 related questions.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 5 Announcement
Hi everyone, we’re entering week 5 of the DeCal! At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 4 on Gradescope. Weekly notes:
- Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 03/04 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
- Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
- Lab 5 has been released and can be accessed below.
- Please use the corresponding Ed thread for Lab 5 related questions.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 4 Announcement
Hi everyone, we’re entering the fourth week of the DeCal! At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 3 on Gradescope. We’ll be taking a look and grading them soon. Lab 1 and 2 grades have also been released! Weekly notes:
- Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 02/25 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
- Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
- Lab 4 has been released and can be accessed below.
- Please use the corresponding Ed thread for Lab 4 related questions.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 3 Announcement
Hi! Hope everyone’s had a good Presidential day weekend! we’re entering the third week of the DeCal. At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 2 on Gradescope. We know some people have been struggling with permissions on the Decal VM, and we’re looking into the issue. Let us know if this is happening to you on Edstem or through email and you’re allowed to submit late! Weekly notes:
- Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 02/18 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
- Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
- Lab 3 has been released and can be accessed below.
- Please use the corresponding Ed thread for Lab 3 related questions.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 2 Announcement
Hi everyone, we’re entering the second week of the DeCal! At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 1 on Gradescope. We’ll be taking a look and grading them soon. Weekly notes:
- Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 02/11 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
- Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
- Lab 2 has been released and can be accessed below.
- Please use the corresponding Ed thread for Lab 2 related questions.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 1 Announcement
Hi all, this is our first official week for this semester’s Linux SysAdmin decal! Enrollment codes will be emailed by Monday to students that was accepted. Our lecture and lab will be at their normal time on Tuesday 7-8pm and 8-9pm respectively. If you’re in the Experimental Decal, it will be on Thursday 7-8pm and 8-9pm. The lab is now open and you can get a head start if you wish, or you can start during lab time. We’re looking forward to teaching this class and hope you find the content engaging!
Here are some notes for the week:
- Normal schedule begins this week (see calendar below).
- Enrollment codes will be sent out by Monday. First lecture will be the day after that!
- You should soon also have access to Ed and Gradescope. Please use Ed for class discussion!
- Lab 1 is open and is due 02/08 at 11:59PM PST.
- Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!
Week 0 Announcement
- The Linux SysAdmin Decal is back for Spring 2025!
- Join us at Decal infosessions on 1/28 and 1/30, 7pm @ OCF Lab or at! If you weren’t able to make it to an infosession, access the slides here.
- To enroll, fill out lab 0 here! Lab 0 is due Saturday, Feb. 1st at 11:59pm and enrollment keys will be sent to those who complete it.
- Learn more about the course at the about page.
- Any questions? Contact us at!
- Looking for a previous semester’s materials? You can view it in the archive.