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Linux System Administration Decal

A course covering the basics of setting up and administering a production-quality Linux server environment.

Week 1 Announcement

Feb 2 · 1 min read

Hi all, this is our first official week for this semester’s Linux SysAdmin decal! Enrollment codes will be emailed by Monday to students that was accepted. Our lecture and lab will be at their normal time on Tuesday 7-8pm and 8-9pm respectively. If you’re in the Experimental Decal, it will be on Thursday 7-8pm and 8-9pm. The lab is now open and you can get a head start if you wish, or you can start during lab time. We’re looking forward to teaching this class and hope you find the content engaging!

Here are some notes for the week:

  • Normal schedule begins this week (see calendar below).
  • Enrollment codes will be sent out by Monday. First lecture will be the day after that!
  • You should soon also have access to Ed and Gradescope. Please use Ed for class discussion!
  • Lab 1 is open and is due 02/08 at 11:59PM PST.
  • Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!

Weekly Schedule

  • 6:30 PM
  • 7:00 PM
  • 7:30 PM
  • 8:00 PM
  • 8:30 PM
  • 9:00 PM
  • Monday

  • Tuesday

    • Lecture
      7:00 PM–8:00 PM
      OCF Lab
    • Lab
      8:00 PM–9:00 PM
      OCF Lab
  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday


Week 0: 1/28/2025

Infosession Tues 1/28 & Thurs 1/30, 7-8pm @ OCF Lab
LabLab 0 due Sat. 2/1

Week 1: 2/04/2025

LectureHistory of UNIX, Intro to Linux, FOSS : Slides, Recording
LabLab 1 due Sat. 2/8

Week 2: 2/11/2025

LectureCore Shell & Shell Scripting
LabLab 2

Week 3: 2/18/2025

LabLab 3

Week 4: 2/25/2025

LabLab 4

Week 5: 3/04/2025

LectureNetworking 101
LabLab 5

Week 6: 3/11/2025

LectureWeb Servers
LabLab 6

Week 7: 3/18/2025

LectureSecurity Fundamentals
LabLab 7

Week 8: 4/01/2025

LectureVersion Control (git) and Backups
LabLab 8

Week 9: 4/08/2025

LabLab 9

Week 10: 4/15/2025

LabLab 10

Week 11: 4/22/2025

LectureKubernetes (Optional Extra Lab)
LabLab 11