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Linux System Administration Decal

A course covering the basics of setting up and administering a production-quality Linux server environment.

Week 6 Announcement

Mar 10 · 1 min read

Hi everyone, we’re entering week 6 of the DeCal! At this point, you should have turned in your Lab 5 on Gradescope. Regarding Lab 2 and 3 grades, Lab 2 grades should be released now, and Lab 3 is being graded, thank you for your patience! Weekly notes: «««< HEAD

  • Normal schedule, Lecture + Lab on Tuesday 03/11 7-9PM PST. Experimental track on Thursday same time!
    • Slides link are released, but are not official/finalized until after lecture is given on Tuesday 7pm.
  • Lab 6 has been released and can be accessed below.
  • Any questions? Post on Ed or reach us at!

Weekly Schedule

  • 6:30 PM
  • 7:00 PM
  • 7:30 PM
  • 8:00 PM
  • 8:30 PM
  • 9:00 PM
  • Monday

  • Tuesday

    • Lecture
      7:00 PM–8:00 PM
      OCF Lab
    • Lab
      8:00 PM–9:00 PM
      OCF Lab
  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday


Week 0: 1/28/2025

Infosession Tues 1/28 & Thurs 1/30, 7-8pm @ OCF Lab
LabLab 0 due Sat. 2/1

Week 1: 2/04/2025

LectureHistory of UNIX, Intro to Linux, FOSS : Slides, Recording
LabLab 1 due Sat. 2/8

Week 2: 2/11/2025

LectureCore Shell & Shell Scripting : Slides, Recording
LabLab 2 due Sat. 2/15

Week 3: 2/18/2025

LecturePackages : Slides, Recording
LabLab 3 due Sat. 2/22

Week 4: 2/25/2025

LectureServices : Slides, Recording
LabLab 4 due Sat. 3/1

Week 5: 3/04/2025

LectureNetworking 101 : Slides, Recording
LabLab 5 due Sat. 3/8

Week 6: 3/11/2025

LectureWeb Servers : Slides, Recording
LabLab 6 due Sat. 3/15

Week 7: 3/18/2025

LectureSecurity Fundamentals : Slides, Recording
LabLab 7 due Sat. 3/22

Week 8: 4/01/2025

LectureVersion Control (git) and Backups
LabLab 8

Week 9: 4/08/2025

LabLab 9

Week 10: 4/15/2025

LabLab 10

Week 11: 4/22/2025

LectureKubernetes (Optional Extra Lab)
LabLab 11