Beginner Lab 2 - Core Shell

Welcome to Lab 2! In this lab you will be learning how to work productively in a shell.

How to submit: create a .txt file (use vim!) with one answer per line for a total of 7 lines. Upload this and your screenshot (see lab for details) to Gradescope.

Don’t forget to use Google and man when stuck. The resources linked at the bottom may be helpful as well.

XKCD 1319

Setting up

This lab requires a bash shell, vim, and tmux. If you do not have tmux: apt-get tmux

SSH (Secure Shell)

SSH allows you to log in to a remote computer through the internet. It is the equivalent of opening a shell on a remote computer.

The usage is ssh [remote username]@[remote host].


  1. Log on to with your OCF username and password. There is a file in ~staff/public_html/decal. Open it. What is the secret in the file?

Pipes and Redirection

Chaining together commands is essential to automating your way through the shell. Here’s a quick cheat sheet:

> : Redirect stdout to a file (Will overwrite the file).

>> : Append stdout to a file (same as > except does not overwrite).

< : Read input from a file.

| : Send output from one program to the input of the next.


  1. What line could you use to save the first 10 lines of a file that do not contain any vowels to a new file called return.txt?
  2. How could you write cat output.txt | grep "Cal" without using a pipe?

Other useful tricks

!! can be used to repeat the previous command in the shell.


sudo !! == sudo python

!:[num] is treated as the previous command’s [num] argument.


touch doc.txt
vim !:1 == vim doc.txt

Note: This behavior is from bash and some other shells that implement it.

A quick intro to vim

Why vim?

Hello World

 Vim is a modal text editor, meaning that you can change editing modes in order to do different things. There are 3 primarily used modes: **Normal**, **Insert**, and **Visual** mode. #### Normal mode:  - Used for moving around and editing text    - `hjkl` to move left, up, down, and right    - `G` to move to end of file, `gg` to move to beginning    - `i` to enter **i**nsert mode (`a`, `o` also change mode in different ways)    - `dd` to cut a line    - `yy` to copy a line    - `p` to paste    - `/` to search    - `u` to undo  - Type in commands with `:`    - Save with `:w`    - Exit with `:q`  - Explore more commands online!

Insert mode:


Visual mode:

A key feature of vim is chaining together commands. Normal mode is essentially a massive amount of shortcuts that you can combine to quickly navigate and edit a file. Want to move down 3 lines? You know that j means move down 1 line, so you can use 3j to move down 3. d is for deletion and w is to jump to the next word, so what does dw do?


Try playing around with while looking up some new commands. Use wget to download it!

  1. How would you delete the previous 10 lines?
  2. How would you jump back to the shell without exiting vim?
  3. How would you edit a new file alongside another file?
  4. How would you indent a block of text?

If you’re interested in emacs instead

A quick intro to tmux


Why tmux?

Getting Started:


  1. Take a screenshot of a tmux session with multiple windows, panes, and a named window with your username.

Advanced usage (optional)

Submitting the lab

Once you’re done remember to submit your text file and screenshot to Gradescope. There are multiple valid answers for some of the questions. Don’t be stressed about getting something exactly correct.



Learning vim progressively

Tmux cheat sheet