SysAdmin Decal (Intermediate) Lab 1 Solutions Part I 1. Displays all filenames 6 letters long that have a at the beginning, followed by any 3 characters, then bc at the end. Uses the 'long format' of ls to display all the extended information about each file. 2. Removes all *empty* directories within the current directory. 3. Creates the a/b/c directory tree, creating a and a/b if necessary before creating a/b/c. This doesn't happen for free; you need to pass -p to mkdir. 4. Lists the number of files in the directory containing pookie anywhere in their name. 5. Reads a list of directories to create from the 'dirs' file, and then makes all the directories in that file if possible. 6. List all files below the current directory into a file named 'file'. Discards error output. Part II 1. I got a lot of answers for this, but the most popular ones were wget -b wget >/dev/null wget -q wget -o log These are all correct, but I was hoping everyone would come up with the /dev/null solution. 2. wget -O- | grep sports 3. wget will always print its progress bar to stderr. If you discard wget's stderr with 2>/dev/null, you will not get a progress bar. Part III 1. The program suspends and the download is paused. 2. jobs will output a list of job numbers followed by what the job is (e.g. 'emacs' or 'wget'). fg (optionally followed by a %jobname) will resume either the job you specify or the job that was most recently paused. bg will put a suspended job into the background and resume it. (It may still print stuff to the terminal, which confused many of you.) 3. You should have had something like $ jobs [1] vi & [2] wget & [3] wget & 4. ^C will terminate the program (though sometimes it may refuse to; programs may choose to ignore this signal.) 5. Just add an & to the end of your command line.