Old Announcements
- 2008.04.30: There was no homework for week 8
for beginning students or intermediate students. Also, week 9 materials have been posted for Intermediate. Lab will be posted tomorrow sometime.
- 2008.04.29: For those who have part as an
assignment grade, that means you have only partially completed the
assignment. Review the assignment again and verify all the steps. For
things like user webpages and wordpress installs, please link them on the
main apache default page so that we know where to find the pages.
- 2008.04.23: All hw's up to now except for
the ganglia hw has been fully graded.
- 2008.04.13: All hw's up to week4 and labs
up to week3 have been fully graded for beginning. If you believe there to
be a mistake, bounce/forward the original assignment to jchu and cardi with
a disclaimer. Also note that if you didn't email both facilitators, grading
complications would have arised.
- 2008.04.09: There will be no class on
April 16, but there will still be class
tonight. Also, week 7 materials have been posted.
- 2008.04.05: IMPORTANT: Due to a disk
failure, there isn't an intermediate lab this week. However, I would like
every group to simply send in a final project proposal. -Josh
- 2008.04.02: Week 6 materials have been
posted. The intermediate lab will be posted on Friday.
- 2008.03.31: The ganglia config and the hw
have been updated.
- 2008.03.26: Some fun things will be happening
in Eshleman and power will be turned off; thus no one will be able to have
access to OCF servers or services on Thursday (and, pending certaing upgrades
to OCF services, Friday as well). Check the OCF Blog for up-to-date news.
- 2008.03.19: Week 5 materials posted;
Beginning Students: The Ganglia config is *not* yet up. It
will be posted here when it is. If you do not have a group, please email the
Beginning facilitators so we can get that set up for you right away.
- 2008.03.13: Intermediate
students: The lab has been posted. Please make sure to come to
lecture next week so we can group everyone up and assign you all virtual
- 2008.03.13: During our last lecture, we
created groups and distributed access to virtual servers for the beginning
section. These are required for the lab and for the final project. For
those who didn't show up, please try and form groups of 2-3. Be mindful
that these are the groups you will be in for the final project. Week04 lab
was updated with additional information for the last part of the lab.
Grades will be posted soon for beginning.
- 2008.03.12: Week 4 materials posted. The
intermediate lab will be posted by Thursday afternoon. Also, intermediate
grades posted up to the homework that was due today.
- 2008.03.05: Week 3 materials posted.
- 2008.02.27: A quick clarification; because
class is canceled, the hw/lab is due *next* Wednesday, March
- 2008.02.25: Class this Wednesday, February
27th, is *cancelled* (office hours are still held). See
everyone next week!
- 2008.02.22: All those waitlisted need to sign
up for the upper division CS198-15 section by tonight. Don't worry about what
class is actually listed. Both Beginning/Intermediate and Advanced share the
same ccn's.
- 2008.02.20: Slides from today's lecture and the intermediate lab have been posted. Sorry for
the delay.
- 2008.02.19: The syllabus for both beginning and intermediate
have been posted.
- 2008.02.13: Class *may* be
cancelled February 27th.
- 2008.02.12: The emails listed in week 2 lab was
initially wrong. Please submit to the facilitator's email (corrected in the
revised lab and listed on the site.
- 2008.01.25: Webpage is up.