Intermediate Unix System Administration Decal
- 2008.12.01: Holy crap, welcome to December!
Since everyone seems to be doing something web-related for their project,
HTTP and HTTPS ports for all virtual servers have been opened. If your
server is iXY, your HTTP port is 2XY80 and your HTTPS port is
2XY43. You must configure Apache properly to use those ports (hint: there
is a conspicuously named file in /etc/apache2 that you can use to configure
these things.).
- 2008.11.17: If you're having trouble coming
up with a project proposal, check out a
proposal from last semester. Yours doesn't have to be this detailed,
but it may help you figure out what you should include in your own
project proposal. This one is just the role model :)
- 2008.10.28: Class is cancelled today
because I'm sick. Your homework is to come up with a project proposal. See
your email for details. (You should come to class anyway to talk with
your group about it, at least for a little bit.)
- 2008.10.21: Solutions have been posted for
labs 1-3, and more are coming. Also I've added links to some shell
scripting guides in the Links section.
- 2008.10.09: I have set up a screen name
for DeCal questions. If I am online you may ask me anything. The screen
name is JoshDecal. Also, to clarify for the lab, you may use apt-get
to install the build-essential package for Lab 4.
- 2008.10.07: If you still have problems
accessing man pages for labs, remember that you can always google for
"(command) man page" and generally you can find an online version.
Also, please note that all labs up to and including lab 3 are now due
next Tuesday, the 14th. Finally, I am discontinuing my Friday office
hour due to poor attendance.
- 2008.09.24: Here's a
Linux cheat sheet that I think will be helpful
during the course of this class. Also, I realized the class time was
wrong on the course info below. It is 5PM as I'm sure most of you have
figured out.
- 2008.09.23: I am trial running an extra
office hour on Friday, same time/place (Brewed Awakening 1-2P.) This is
because some people can't make the Thursday one. Feel free to come to
whichever one is more convenient for you, and please come, especially
if I asked you in an email to! It could become permanent if y'all
bother to show up. I would especially like it if those who missed
the first lecture could come, but if you can catch up by yourself, then
feel free to. I'm willing to invest the time it takes to get everyone
up to speed.
- 2008.09.17: Some of you have noticed that
there is no man page for wget on the Soda lab machines. Try
using SSH (ssh in a Terminal on OS X, or use
on Windows) to log in with your username and password to
- 2008.09.08: The first class will be on
September 16. Prospective students should be able
to enroll through Tele-Bears
using the given CCNs: 26208 (lower), 26207 (upper). The class is two (2)
units. Any questions regarding the course should be emailed to the
facilitators or sysadmin-decal@ocf.
Date |
Title |
Slides |
Lab |
Solutions |
09/16 |
Week 1: Introduction / The Shell |
Intro (pdf), The Shell (pdf) |
pdf |
txt |
09/23 |
Week 2: The Filesystem |
pdf |
pdf |
txt |
09/30 |
Week 3: User and Group Authentication |
pdf |
pdf |
txt |
10/7 |
Week 4: Compiling Software from Scratch |
pdf |
pdf, NetHack patch |
none |
10/14 |
Week 5: UNIX Power Tools  |
pdf |
txt |
- |
10/21 |
Week 6: Shell Scripting |
pdf |
txt |
- |
10/28 |
none |
none |
none |
11/04 |
Week 8: Network services: DNS, DHCP, SMTP, HTTP |
pdf |
txt |
- |
11/11 |
Veteran's Day, no class! |
none |
none |
none |
11/18 |
Week 9: System V Init; Getting Involved |
System V Init (pdf)
Getting Involved (pdf) |
none |
none |
11/25 |
Week 10: Desktop Linux Technologies (X11, udev, D-Bus..) |
pdf |
none |
none |
12/02 |
Week 11: "The Touch": Solving Problems You Know Nothing About |
pdf |
none |
none |
12/09 |
Week 12: Last Class - Final Project Presentations |
- |
- |
- |
Course Information
Time: Tuesday, 5:00-6:30pm
Location: 275 Soda
Facilitator: Joshua Kwan
AIM Screenname: JoshDecal
Office Hours: Thursday and Friday, 1:00-2:00pm at Brewed Awakening
Enrollment: 2 units
- Lower Division: CS 98 (CCN 26208); 10 students max
- Upper Division: CS 198 (CCN 26207); 10 students max
Welcome! This intermediate course is targeted towards CS students,
either with some prior Unix experience or an eager ability to learn new things
quickly. The curriculum is somewhat similar to the beginning class; however, we emphasize a more bottom-up
approach that encourages a good working knowledge and understanding of Unixes
before starting any system administration tasks. In fact, we spend very little
time on what is considered stereotypical systems administration: the task of
maintaining a web server with a database. That's just the tip of the
iceberg. Any sysadmin worth their salt will tell you that there are far
more things you need to be good at! See above for all the planned lecture
The course is given in a lecture-lab format. After discussing the
material for a given week, we will follow with 45 minutes to 1 hour
of lab time. Many people will be able to complete the labs within
this time, and most people will at least be able to complete at
least half. So if you play your cards right, the weekly out-of-class
commitment is less than an hour.
Astute readers have already noticed that there is a final
project. This project requires you to collaborate with groups of
3-4 other people to develop some sort of system that shows that you
know how to integrate many disparate open source components together
into a coherent unit. However, you needn't be too ambitious. The
project as a whole should take about 10-15 man-hours, which is up
to 4 hours per person, all things being equal.
Menacing Stuff We Need to Say
- Attendance is mandatory. More than four unexcused absences will
result in a NP. Please email
me if you have extenuating circumstances (midterm, final, etc.)
- There will be weekly homework assignments, graded on a P/NP basis. There is no strict due date for each one, but you are expected to keep up and be done with all of them by the end of the term.
- A final project will be given in lieu of an exam; failure to
complete will result in a NP.
Extra Links
Project Groups