

E-mail address: (the one(s) you'll use to submit homework)
Year: 1 2 3 4 Other


Linux/Unix/BSD experience:
None <10 hours 11-30 hours 31-100 hours 100+ or it's your primary OS

Programming experience in lines of code (C, PHP, Java, etc.):
None 1-100 101-1000 1000-10,000 10,000+

HTML experience in non-trivial pages produced
None 1-5 5-10 10-20 20+


The astute reader will notice that the following questions aren't technical in nature.
If you're pressed for time or you think this is lame, you don't really have to fill these out,
but it'd be nice. Try not to take it too seriously, please.

What do you do with your weekends and evenings? Choose the one that describes you best
I read slashdot, shop for a faster graphics card, and write programs to wash my laundry as efficiently as possible.
I take long walks on the beach, smell roses, and admire sunsets.
I study, attend review sessions, and get ahead on my homework.
I go rock climbing, camping, hiking, and snow boarding all at once.
I watch tv and eat DoritosĀ©.
I write poems, paint, and attend the theatre.
I hang out with friends, play board games, and set up lunch dates.
I get drunk, high, and stoned.
I plan my week, clean my bathroom, and organize social gatherings.
I feed the homeless, attend the five clubs I'm president of, and lead our ultimate frisbee team to victory.
I defy description.

If I give you an 'A' on the midterm, will you buy me a boba?
Yes No No, but I'll treat you to dinner

What possessed you to take this class?
All the hot computer nerds in Soda.
I'd like to work in a back room with machines as my friends as a career.
I need units.
People with their own websites are cool (eg
I hear systems administrators rake in the dough.