Homework 6
Homework 6
This week's homework is simple: Write a shell script that takes in three arguments; a noun, a verb, and an adverb/adjective (in that order). It's okay if the adverb/adjective doesn't quiiiite fit the sentence, e.g. "yellow hunting" is fine. The noun and verb part should make sense though, from a grammatical standpoint at least (i.e. if "person" was the noun taken in, don't say "he person me").
Your script should write out a little story (a few lines will be fine). In essence, you're writing a Mad Libs shell script. This is a very trivial homework assignment, and requires no programming experience whatsoever (though if you want to throw in for loops and conditionals and whatnot, feel free to do so). Be creative!
Commands you will probably want to familiarize yourself with:
sh <-- the shell interpreter, try "info sh" if the man page isn't very helpful...sometimes info pages have more detailed information, sometimes they don't even exist!
if, then <-- for the programmers who want to have more fun
When you're done, email the script to me. This assignment will be due 11/12.