Part 1: Get an OCF account
One of the things it takes to learn in a computer class is, obviously enough, a computer. While most of you probably have your own computers at home, chances are not too many of you (though given that I'm writing this before the first class session, I may be surprised!) are running a variant of Unix (e.g. Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc.) To really learn how to work with Unix you need a Unix machine. What I would really like is for everyone who's taking the course to install Linux (and anyone who would like to please feel free to contact me and I can help you through the process), but it's understandable if most folks aren't ready to depart from Windows yet (and that's fine too). So, to get access to a Unix machine (Solaris, specifically), you'll want to get an OCF account (it's free, it has lots of other stuff included, but mostly because I said so :)) Here are some of the perks of getting an OCF account (I'm probably forgetting a few things):
1) 250 free(!) pages of printing per semester
2) 100 MB personal data storage space
2) 60 MB personal website space
3) 10 MB personal email space
4) (almost) 24 hour lab <-- depends on when Heller Lounge is open
Now then, on to the procedure:
1) Go to the OCF lab in Heller Lounge (directions below)
2) Get a form from the gray bin immediately to your right when you enter (NOT the yellow form; those are for group accounts)
3) Fill it out
4) Give it to a staff member on duty (check
5) Wait a few days and you'll be emailed with a confirmation letting you know that your account has been created.
If you already have an account form, then you can just sit pretty.
How to get to Heller Lounge:
1) Start at Sproul Plaza, facing the fountain
2) Walk to the fountain and turn left (looking down Telegraph)
3) Walk forward until you come to the last bench (they're on the left)
4) On your right hand side will be a big imposing darkish building called the Martin Luther King Jr. building. It's also the Student Union (ASUC Student Union)
5) Go in MLK
6) In front of you will be Heller Lounge. Go in, show ID, and the OCF lab will be on the left
Once you've received confirmation that you have an account with the ocf lab, send me an email FROM YOUR OCF ACCOUNT. Instructions on how to do this in Solaris will be covered in the first class session (9/25). For other folks who have an idea of how to use Unix, it's just pine.
Part 2:
Learn the commands on this page. You can use an OCF computer to do this. To demonstrate your knowledge (you won't need to know all of them to complete this assignment, but it's nice to know):
1) Create a file in your home directory. The filename should be your login name. Fill it with a personal profile including, but not limited to, your name, your year, your major, where you're from, and two interesting things about you (this can be repeated from class)
2) Make a directory in your home directory. The name of the directory should be your birthday. Make a symbolic link (use ln, but NOT a hard link; read the man page if you're confused) to the file you created in step 1. Call the link in this directory "profile"
3) chmod this file to be world readable, worled executable, but NOT world writeable. The other settings are up to you (though you will probably want to keep it read/write/executable by yourself).
This should be a simple excercise, and it won't use many of the commands.