Comprehensive System Administration
Lecture 3 notes:
New students?
If you are new this week, you need to check with the instructors
to see if there is any room. The class may be full.
Any problems? Please email me to get on the course announcement list:
Feedback? Troubles?
Getting Help
If you have trouble, please email me, or one of the other teachers.
The OCF staffers are often around the lab, and can be helpful.
Don't forget your classmates.
course material:
Last week we covered basic unix commands. This week we'll be looking
at text editors, focusing on the "vi" editor.
We'll go over some basic commands, and then turn you loose on
to experiment and get familiar with vi. If you are already familiar
with the standard editors, help the folks who are new to it!
Thanks goes to Shin Ae Tassia for pointing out this useful tutorial.
Using vi:
opening and closing files
moving around
adding text
deleting text
searching for text
replacing text
moving text
Using Emacs:
opening and closing files
moving about the file
basic editing
online helpfiles
Using Pico:
Using pico is quite easy
When not to use pico
What is a text editor
A program for inserting or appending text to a file. A text editor is
not a word processor, although some text editors do include word processing
A History of Unix editors
Vi is the most widely used editor, reliably coming preinstalled on all
current unix and unix like OSs. Many people think it's a strange choice
because its user interface leaves a lot to be desired. It's the standard
because it's a fast editor for expert users, and, circularly, for the
reason that it comes preinstalled on all current unix systems, and has
for some time. This is not the case for many other popular editors, and
there was a time that even vi didn't come installed be default. In those
days, one was expected to know a line editor - ed, or ex - in order to
edit files, at least until you could get the system on a network and ftp
a more friendly editor such as vi. What is a line editor? Editors like
vi and emacs are called 'screen editors' because when you edit a file, it
fills the screen with the file's text, and lets you edit it and navigate
around the file's contents while viewing it on the screen. This is such
a good idea that you've never heard "screen editing" called anything
before -it's just the way that you would want to edit a file, how else
would you do it? Well, before the days of terminals that knew how to
move the cursor back up a line on the screen - especially teletype
terminals, which were glorified typewriters/daisy-wheel printers that
printed all the characters instead of displaying them on a screen - file
editors had no choice but to display a file one line at a time, and allow
the user to make changes to that line. For instance, when editing a file
with ed, first the user would type the line number of the line to edit,
then make changes to that line using special commands.
Using vi
vi is the "visual" full-screen interface to the ex editor.
% vi filename will open or create a file named filename
vi has two modes, command mode and text-input mode. To enter text input
mode, hit a (append) or i (insert). To get out of text input
mode, hit escape. If you are unsure what mode you are in, you can resolve
the ambiguity by hitting escape until you are in the command mode.
We went over the most basic vi commands in class (from the vi manpage):
The commands to move around the file are:
h Move the cursor left one character.
j Move the cursor down one line.
k Move the cursor up one line.
l Move the cursor right one character.
The cursor arrow keys should work, too. On some terminals,
cursor keys send unexpected characters. A common symptom
of this is to get a capital A, B, C or D appearing on the line
above the cursor when using the cursor-arrows while in text-entry
Search for the string ``text'' in the file, and move
the cursor to its first character.
The commands to enter new text are:
a Append new text, after the cursor.
i Insert new text, before the cursor.
o Open a new line below the line the cursor is on, and
start entering text.
Once you've entered input mode using the one of the
a, i, O or o commands, use to quit enter-
ing text and return to command mode.
The commands to copy text are:
yy Copy the line the cursor is on.
p Append the copied line after the line the cursor is
The commands to delete text are:
dd Delete the line the cursor is on.
dw Delete from the cursor to the end of the word the
cursor is on.
x Delete the character the cursor is on.
The commands to write the file are:
Write the file back to the file with the name that
you originally used as an argument on the vi com-
mand line.
:w file_name<carriage-return>
Write the file back to the file with the name
The commands to quit editing and exit the editor are:
Quit editing and leave vi (if you've modified the
file, but not saved your changes, vi will refuse to
Save your changes, if any, and quit.
Quit, discarding any modifications that you may
have made.
One final caution. Unusual characters can take up more
than one column on the screen, and long lines can take up
more than a single screen line. The above commands work
on ``physical'' characters and lines, i.e. they affect the
entire line no matter how many screen lines it takes up
and the entire character no matter how many screen columns
it takes up.
After going over these basic commands, we turned the class loose on
the vi tutorial, which was assigned as homework.
Using Emacs
We didn't get a chance to cover emacs, which is another powerful
text editor. It is favored by programmers, and has a richer, more
complex and featureful interface. It is very widely used, although
it doesn't come standard on every system,
Other notes:
xemacs vs emacs - two branches of the software being maintained
by different parties.
Using pico
pico is a very simple text editor, which uses the cursor keys to move
around, and lists other basic commands which are available at the
bottom of the screen. Pico is sometimes nice for editing html or
messages to others (it is nearly the same editor you use as the default
editor in the pine email client (pico stands for pine composer)).
I like the ^J (control-J), Justify, command, which wraps all the text
nicely according to your window.
other notes:
pico by default wraps lines, which makes it best for writing letters
or editing html, or doing anything where you would prefer the lines
don't get overly long. To turn off this feature use the -w flag:
pico -w filename
wrapped lines can be especially dangerous in configuration files such
as the passwd file, where the format is expected to be a certain way.
Homework #2
To learn more about vi, read the vi manpage, and go over,
a vi tutorial, at least until lesson 4.
The "ls" command is probably one of your most used commands. Did you ever
read its manpage?
What to turn in:
What letters of the alphabet are not valid ls flags?
Describe a problem you have with vi (user interface, etc.).
Class Feedback:
Do you have any questions about the class? What would you like to learn?
Do you feel that the lectures are going too fast/too slow/just right?
Attach a copy of your modified, and mail the answers to
the above questions to:
(note that's not jones@ocf, mail to jones@ocf may go unnoticed).
Here are some links and information you might find useful or interesting.
A quick ed tutorial
emacs survival guide (small)
vi FAQ from comp.editors newsgroup
vi primer
Using the vi editor
Useful Linux Programs
Don't forget to look at the manpages for the commands that you've learned.
The manpage for ed is short compared to other editors.