Comprehensive System Administration
Lecture 1 notes:
getting an OCF account:
This course will be taught on the Open Computing Facility's hardware. If you don't have an OCF account already, you'll need to sign up for one. You should do this on the first day of class, but if you missed this chance, you can do it anytime a staff member is around. You can go to this page to get the new account form if you'd rather print it and fill it out at home although we usually have copies in the lab).administrivia:
Class time: 1-2pm Fridays Location: OCF Lab in Heller Lounge, MLK Student Union Duration: 10 weeks, ending on April 20th (no class March 30th, spring break) Units: variable (1-2, or 1-3?) Grading: To be taken on a P/NP basis. There will be a short weekly homework sets given each week worth 1 point, and one project worth 5 points. To pass the course, you need 10 points. Questions?background material:
What is "Unix"? - by smcc history of unix - more history unix today -internet infrastructure -web, email and other 'servers' -routing What is "System Administration"?
"Activities which directly support the operations and integrity of computing systems and their use and which manage their intricaces. These activities minimally include system installation, configuration, integration, maintenance, performance management, data management, security management, failure analysis and recovery, and user support. In a inter-networked computing environment, the computer network is often included as part of the complex computing system." |
Why do system administration? -interesting, fun -community -helping people -flexible hours -demand and stability -pay Why not do system administration? -male dominated (this is changing!) -geeky image -on call/strange or inconsistant hours (firefighting) How to learn this stuff? -degree programs/classes? -mentorship and peergroups (at Cal- OCF, CSUA, ResComp, WS&T...) -online and offline sources -man pages -books -howtos -google -experience
Note: this is where we stopped on 2/9, we'll pick up from here on 2/16, and assign the homework. Feel free to get a head start! -Devin |
CSUA Help Sessions
Help Session Tutorials and Handouts
Online help files from the ME dept
Classes offered by Berkeley's IS&T staff
Help files on Socrates
Computer-Based Training in Management of Information Science (available from UCB hosts only)
If you are interested in running Linux at home, you should visit
CalLUG the Cal Linux Users Group.
They have meetings, and links to information about running Linux.
A brief description of different Linux distributions
Unix FAQFrequently Asked Questions from the comp.unix.questions newsgroup
Unix Sysadm Resources - another random source
The System Administrator's Guild - SAGE, a professional organization for SysAdmins
Slashdot - news of interest to the geek community
User Friendly - a comic about a software company
Cyberspace Atlas - interesting information with a cheesy name